The New York-based, destination magazine Travel + Leisure included the radically reinvigorated Greenville, SC as part of its list of "The 50 Best Places to Travel in 2018."
Greenville in the News
Good news about that Greenville spreads fast. And word about Greenville is spreading so fast that we have to work hard to keep up. This is where we do our best to post all the “best,” “most,” “top” and “coolest” lists we make, the comments the media makes and our latest accolades. Check back regularly. The good news just keeps coming!
Posts from February 2018
The best family vacations are the ones that are not just relaxing or educational, but also blackety black black black ya'll.
Throughout Black History Month this February (and beyond), consider making a trip with your family to one of these destinations — where you can remember the significance of our history and our contributions to this country, while also spending time with your loved ones.
Explore these under-the-radar destinations for all the fun of spring break without the seasonal markups or hordes of partiers.
You’ve surely heard it before: Houston’s the new Austin, Pittsburgh’s the new Philadelphia, Birmingham’s the new Nashville, Cincinnati's the new NYC (OK, that last one’s made up). It seems like every year there’s an ambitious up-and-comer primed to take over America’s culinary landscape as we know it. Enter Greenville, a culturally rich mid-sized city located in the NW South Carolina that’s intent on establishing itself as one of the South’s premiere dining destinations.