General Information
- Days Open: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
- Hours of Operation: 12pm-7pm
- ADA Compliant:
- 100% Smoke Free:
Payment Methods Accepted:
- Cash
- Check
- American Express
- Discover
- Master Card
- Visa
Discounts Offered:
- Military
- Minutes To GSP Airport: 35
- Minutes To Downtown Greenville: 25
- Minutes to Greenville Convention Center: 20
- Miles to Greenville Convention Center: 18
- Miles to Bon Secours Wellness Arena: 22
- Bus Parking Available:
- Pet-Friendly:
- Pet Deposit/Fee: Free
- Restaurant On-Site:
- Bar/Lounge:
- Admission Price: Wine Tasting $24.95 - Includes seated tasting of 8-10 wines, sourdough bread w/ local butter, and souvenir wine glass
- Parking Fee: Free
- On-Site Restaurant/Food Service:
- Outdoor Picnic Area:
- Group Rates Available:
- Gift Shop:
- Cuisine: Cheese Plates
- Reservations Recommended:
- Lunch:
- Outdoor Seating:
- Entertainment:
- Alcohol Serviced:
- Private Rooms:
- Max # Private Room: 120
- Max # Banquet: 140
- Max # Dining: 120
- Max # Outdoor: 300
- Max # Reception: 120
- Catering Available:
- Take-Out:
Venue Information
- Indoor Venue:
- Outdoor Venue:
- Audience Seating: Indoor: 120
- Audience Seating: Outdoor: 500
- A/V Equipment Available:
- Catering Available:
- Outside Catering Allowed: