General Information
- Days Open: 7 days a week
- Hours of Operation: SUN: 2-7 PM | MON–THURS: 5:30 AM–8 PM FRI: 5:30 AM-7 PM | SAT: 7 AM–7 PM
- ADA Compliant:
- 100% Smoke Free:
- Free Wifi:
Payment Methods Accepted:
- Cash
- Check
- Contactless Payment
- American Express
- Discover
- Master Card
- Visa
- Minutes To GSP Airport: 6
- Minutes To Downtown Greenville: 4
- Minutes to Greenville Convention Center: 12
- Miles to Greenville Convention Center: 5
- Miles to Bon Secours Wellness Arena: 1.5
- Type of Facility: Outdoor Facility
- ADA Accessible:
- Catering:
- # of Restroom Facilities: 1
- Lights:
- # of Parking Spaces: 150
Sports Available:
- Pickleball
- Tennis
- Total # of Courts: 16
- # of Outdoor Courts: 16
- Total # of Courts: 16
- # of Outdoor Courts: 16
- # of Hard Courts: 8
- # of Clay Courts: 8