2022 Academy Sports + Outdoors

Bassmaster Classic

Presented by Huk

A Look at the Lineup...

Bassmaster Classic Kickoff Party

WHAT: Join the Kickoff Party and let the Classic celebration begin! Enjoy live music from Steel Toe Stilleto, fireworks, and fun activities for the whole family! 


WHEN: March 3, 2022


WHERE: Fluor Field
945 S Main St.
Greenville, SC 29601


HOURS: 5-8 pm










WHAT: Get the day started early with an up-close view of the Classic contender takeoff! Plus, check out booths and activations from B.A.S.S. sponsors.


WHEN: March 4-6, 2022


WHERE: Green Pond Landing & Event Center
470 Green Pond Rd.
Anderson, SC 29625


HOURS: Activities start at 6:30 am with the launch at 7 am daily. 







Live Weigh-Ins

WHAT: Doors open at 3pm for credentialed B.A.S.S. Life and B.A.S.S. Nation members and 3:15pm for the general public. The weigh-in is expected to begin around 4:30pm.

WHEN: March 4-6, 2022

WHERE: Bon Secours Wellness Arena
650 N. Academy St.
Greenville, SC 29601

Doors open at 3 pm for credentialed B.A.S.S. Life and B.A.S.S. Nation members and 3:15 pm for the general public. The weigh-in is expected to begin around 4:30 pm.


Bassmaster Classic Outdoors Expo

WHAT: Exhibitors will be on-site selling a variety of merchandise for fishing, hunting, camping, and more—an outdoor enthusiast’s dream! 

WHEN: March 4-6, 2022

WHERE: Greenville Convention Center
1 Exposition Dr.
Greenville, SC 29601



  • Friday, March 4: 12-7 pm (Doors open at 11 am for Media and B.A.S.S. Life and B.A.S.S. Nation Members)
  • Saturday, March 5: 10 am-6 pm
  • Sunday, March 6: 10 am-4 pm

The Lay of the Land...


Getting Around

There's no de-bait, here—getting around town is smooth sailing! To make everything as easy as possible, please make note of these transportation options:

  • SHUTTLES: Shuttles will run back-and-forth between the Greenville Convention Center (where the Bassmaster Classic Outdoors Expo is held) to the Bon Secours Wellness Arena (where the Live Weigh-ins are).
    Shuttle Schedule:
    • Friday, March 4th, 10 am-7:30 pm
    • Saturday, March 5th, 10 am-7:30 pm
    • Sunday, March 6th, 10 am-7:30 pm
  • TROLLEY: The trolley will be offering route deviations throughout the event to provide transportation during the event. On March 3rd, Greenlink will offer a shuttle from County Square to Fluor Field for the Kickoff event. On March 4th-6th, the North Main route will deviate to serve the Bon Secours Wellness Arena during the Weigh-in Events. For full details, please visit the Trolley Route Deviation Schedule.
  • PARKING GARAGES: Numerous parking garages are located in Downtown Greenville, many in close proximity to the Bon Secours Wellness Arena (Live Weigh-ins); we recommend the Church Street Garage (event parking fee $10), followed by the Liberty Square and Commons Garages (full-day parking fee $7).  View the Downtown Parking Map here
  • PARKING: Ample parking is available at both the Greenville Convention Center (Bassmaster Classic Outdoors Expo) and the Green Pond Landing & Event Center (Takeoffs). 

Classic Week Deals and Discounts

Don't miss out on all the exclusive deals and discounts offered by local businesses. From restaurants to shopping there's so much to see and do in Greenville and Anderson. 

Where to Stay

Whether you're after a luxury escape, a quiet retreat, or simply a place to rest your head in between fishing, weigh-ins, and buying new angler gear, you'll find a variety of accommodations in Greenville to ensure that your stay is as restful as it is memorable. Peruse our area hotels and book your room today.

Let the Countdown Begin!

It gets reel in...

See You at the Classic!

If you need advice on what to do while you're in town or assistance planning your trip, check out these great resources:
Visitor Center - located at 110 Federal Street, Anderson, SC 29624, (864) 716-3600
Destination Guides

Visitor Center - located at 206 S Main Street, Greenville, SC 29601, (864) 233-0461
2022 Official Visitor's Guide
Stories & Guides