General Information
- Days Open: 7 days a week
- Hours of Operation: Dawn to Dusk
- ADA Compliant:
- 100% Smoke Free:
- Minutes To GSP Airport: 22
- Minutes To Downtown Greenville: 12
- Minutes to Greenville Convention Center: 4
- Miles to Greenville Convention Center: 1
- Miles to Bon Secours Wellness Arena: 3
- Bus Parking Available:
- Admission Price: Free for park and museum. See websites for mini golf and restaurant pricing.
- Parking Fee: Free
- On-Site Restaurant/Food Service:
- Outdoor Picnic Area:
- Group Rates Available:
- Gift Shop:
- Menu:
- Cuisine: American
- Price Range: 10+
- Breakfast:
- Lunch:
- Dinner:
- Outdoor Seating:
- Alcohol Serviced:
- Group Menu:
- Private Rooms:
- Catering Available:
- Take-Out:
Venue Information
- Indoor Venue:
- Outdoor Venue:
- Audience Seating: Indoor: 350
- A/V Equipment Available:
- Catering Available:
- Outside Catering Allowed:
- Full Bar:
- Course Name: Takeoff Mini Golf
- Course Type: Mini Golf
- Walking:
- Tee Times URL: