Mast General Store

Mast General Store is Greenville's old-timey, downtown emporium featuring a unique mix of clothing, outdoor gear, candy, and knick-knacks that make the perfect gifts!

Located in the lovely ONE City Plaza off North Main, Mast General houses a complete outfitters department with stylish men's and women's clothing. Outdoor equipment from excellent brands like The North Face, Sierra Designs, Columbia, Keen, Clarks, Royal Robbins, Kelty, Eno, and more will help you gear up to hike and camp in the foothills of the local Blue Ridge Mountains. Meanwhile, the Mercantile Department is filled to the brim with cast iron cookware, pottery, handcrafted soaps, gourmet treats, old-fashioned toys, and a candy section featuring over 500 classic, hard-to-find treats.

The site of Mast General has been a fixture of downtown since the late 1800s, when it was a locally owned shoe and dry-goods store known as Meyers-Arnold. In the years after the store closed, many other small shops moved in. Today, Mast General has returned the space to it's traditional, old-timey atmosphere. The smell of wood will greet you the second you step into this cozy emporium filled with clothing & gear, mercantile goods, and loads of sweet treats.

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General Information
  • Days Open: Monday - Thursday 10AM-6PM; Friday-Saturday 10AM-7PM; Sunday 11AM-6PM
  • Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday 10AM-6PM; Friday-Saturday 10AM-7PM; Sunday 11AM-6PM
  • ADA Compliant:
  • 100% Smoke Free:
  • Payment Methods Accepted:
    • Cash
    • American Express
    • Discover
    • Master Card
    • Visa
  • Minutes To GSP Airport: 15
  • Minutes to Greenville Convention Center: 7
  • Miles to Greenville Convention Center: 4
  • Miles to Bon Secours Wellness Arena: 1
  • Pet-Friendly:
$$ - 101 reviews