When many people think of South Carolina, they think of Charleston, or Myrtle Beach — not Greenville. However, this charming little city in the shadow of the Blue Ridge mountains has turned into a
Greenville in the News
Good news about that Greenville spreads fast. And word about Greenville is spreading so fast that we have to work hard to keep up. This is where we do our best to post all the “best,” “most,” “top” and “coolest” lists we make, the comments the media makes and our latest accolades. Check back regularly. The good news just keeps coming!
Posts from July 2016
Why Greenville is the perfect weekend getaway for Savannians.
A beautiful Main Street, pedestrian-friendly sidewalks, outdoor plazas, and tons of locally owned shops and eateries add up to an energetic people magnet - Greenville, SC.